Submitted by Sherri Watson
Gasoline for milk chocolate for beer it was a fabulous weekend! It was a great excursion for a sliver tube rendezvous as well. Did you meet Indy and Petey they are the sweetest? New friends were made, and a funny thing, Sandy is still hopeful to finding Prince charming that can wear the wedding ring. Who is envious of Sandy’s chair? Sue, Susan, Suzy twin tents and hikes to the Indian rock house, so many escapades. We witnessed eagles, kingfishers and playful otters with cool nights and warm sunny days. Fabulous fires and fantastic foods, blueberry biscuits, apple cobbler, peach cobbler, mushroom stroganoff and more peach cobbler. We were sanctified with a very special performance of Cornbread and Dead soldiers. Our expedition happened thanks to Spikie, Houston, Keith, Gretchen, Mike and his trailer. Mucho Gracias to our shuttle drivers! Much appreciation to Mike, Ellen, Mary, AJ and Rory for helping with point and sweep. Did you miss this journey? Sound intriguing? Prepare for next year. Don’t listen to the rumors just paddle on!
PS: Some folks arrived on Thursday so a small group of us paddled from Buffalo Point to Rush on Friday. No swims but Mike Watson had to check out the water. Yep, he took a dip at our lunch spot…brrrr. There was not a cloud in the sky on Friday. Our big group paddled Saturday from Spring Creek to Buffalo Point. Everyone enjoyed the paddle. Our trip leader Sherri choose the safer paddle. We all heard various stories about a huge root ball around a blind curve from Maumee to BP so with a big group safety was first so we paddled from Spring Creek to BP. Everyone enjoyed the paddled. Some went home on Sunday and others hiked but quite a few of us put on at BP and paddled to Rush. It was again a great paddle and the cliffs and trees were beautiful. mlf