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Home2021-03 Wapanocca Paddle

Wapanocca Paddle - 3/6/2021

Submitted by Ben Quaintance

This was the first weekend that the Wapanocca NWR lake was open this year. The weather was cool, mid 50’s, and sunny and the lake water level was about 4 feet higher than summer levels.

There were 7 paddlers registered, but 4 cancelled and one did not show up so Pam and I paddled the lake ourselves. There were quite a few fishermen in jon boats scattered around the lake.

Since the water level was up we were able to paddle deep into the cypress stand and around much of the saw grass on all sides of the lake. We spotted a beaver hut in an area far back into the trees. Since the water was high we were able to paddle up to the boardwalk access embankment and have lunch on the boardwalk. We paddled a total of 7 miles. A very enjoyable paddle.

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