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Home2021-09 North Fork Rpt

North Fork - 9/10/2021 - 9/12/2021

Submitted by Susan Redmon

Everyone enjoyed a great weekend at Twin Bridges Canoe & Campground for a weekend of paddling on the North Fork of the White as well as trying out Bryant Creek on Sunday.

Several of us got there early for a Friday afternoon paddle from Hebron Access to Twin Bridges and Rick’s friend Donny preferred to go down backwards and swore it had nothing to do with not wanting to actually see Rick.

The evening’s highlight was meeting up for a great meal at the campground’s restaurant and being entertained by Rick’s future ex-wife, the very talented Bobbie Saxton. Igor joined us late Friday night and so another round of fun began up on the hill, but as often follows late night fun, so does mischief. Several local bandits ran off with Susan’s lunch bag and it wasn’t until morning that Beverly, who appeared both super cheerful and surprised announced that “oh dear - someone has torn into someone’s food and it’s all down the hill!!!” Apparently, she had heard the marauders but wasn’t a bit worried since her containers were well-secured, while Susan thought she’d merely heard Beverly having an enthusiastic midnight snack.

Thankfully, the Beebe’s had plenty of food stashed away in their love shack, I mean their nice new camper, and Susan emerged better off than she went in. “I really didn’t plan it, but it turned out really well!” is what Charles overheard as they loaded up to shuttle Saturday morning.

Saturday’s paddle was somewhere between 17 and 18 miles and it’s all up to whose Garmin you trust - and let me assure you this is under hot debate. I really wouldn’t bring it up unless you’re ready to get technical, lose a close friend and raise someone’s hackle. Igor is super chill about it so don’t worry about bringing it up to him. He’d love to discuss it!

We finished out a very full Saturday back at camp and when Teresa brought out the homemade ice cream and brownies you could feel a sense of renewed friendship abounding and I don’t think it was just the sugar rush.

Sunday, someone decided we needed to try some “creek” named after some guy named Bryant who apparently didn’t know what a creek was. Turns out Bryant is an idiot and it’s really a good- sized river that empties into the North Fork of the White. The Bald Eagles seemed very happy there anyway and I’ve never seen any at my local creek. There were also painted bluffs and otters, so I think we’ve settled what kind of body of water this really is.

Overall, we enjoyed the excellent weather (no crazy 90’s mess) as well as great food and company all weekend long. Pumpkin muffins made it officially feel like it just could possibly be fall soon – there’s hope y’all!!!

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