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Home2024-05 Eleven Point Overnighter

Submitted by Rick Watson – May 2024

Eleven Point River Overnight Trip – May 18-19.

After shuttling vehicles, we put on the water at about 10:15 am. There were 9 of us total on day 1. Two folks were doing a day trip to Whitten and 7 of us doing an overnight trip to the Riverton Access. The river was right at 3.9 ft. on the Bardley gauge, which meant we had good water all the way. 

We made the customary stop at Turner’s Mill for lunch. For those readers who are not familiar with this area, Turner’s Mill is the site of an old mill town known as Surprise, MO. The town had its own post office from 1895 until 1925. The old schoolhouse is still standing. All that is left of the old mill is the 25-foot steel overshot wheel. It is a must stop if you are in the area.

After lunch, we paddled a little further downriver to explore a cave and an old homestead located just off the river. Then another little side trip right before the Whitten Access where we went in search of Bliss Springs. It took a lot of “bushwacking” to find the springs but then we found a nice little trail to take us back to the boats.

Then it was on to Whitten Access where Allen Piercy and Alan Ainley said their goodbyes, loaded up boats, and headed home.

From there, 7 of us traveled a little further downstream where Paul Beebe found the perfect camping area for us. For future reference it is located on river-left just past Panther Spring Hollow and before Whites Creek. We had plenty of room for our small group of 6 tents and 1 hammock. We even had our own little beach where we could hang out and relax.

The next morning after breakfast we packed up and headed down river to Bose Mill Spring. The spring is one of the largest in Missouri and produces and average of 12-14 million gallons of water per day. This is also a “must see” when in the area.

After leaving Bose Mill it is less than a mile to a fun little Class II rapid called “Halls Bay Rapids” Everyone made it through without incident and then we were off to the take-out at Riverton. We made it there by 11 am.

After loading boats and saying goodbye to Paul Beebe, 6 of us had a celebratory dinner at Crumpie’s Eleven Point Smokehouse. The food was good; the desserts even better!

Trip Details:

   • River gauge at Bardley (USGS gauge number 07071500) – 3.9 ft.

   • Put In: Greer Crossing Recreation Area

   • Take Out: Riverton (East)

   • River Miles: 19

   • Campground: Greer Crossing Recreational Area.

2024 Eleven Point Overnighter 1
2024 Eleven Point Overnighter 2
2024 Eleven Point Overnighter 3

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