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Home2024-04 Florida


Florida 2024 Trip Report


Submitted by Paul Beebe – April 2024


Rivers Paddled:


Chassahowitzka River – Monday, April 22

Rainbow River – Tuesday, April 23

Silver River – Wednesday, April 24

Hillsboro River – Thursday, April 25

Withlacoochee River (South) – April 26


It was another great paddling trip to Florida, with beautiful paddles, good food, and nice fellowship with 30+ BCCC paddlers.  Most of us camped at Holder Mine State Park near Inverness, FL.  The campground was very nice.  It was quiet with spacious sites and a large area where those of us with dogs could take them off leash and let them run and play.  A bear visited Lisa Pugh’s campsite one night.  How do we know?  He, or she, left their paw print on her ice chest.


Many of us arrived Saturday afternoon.  Since the “official” club paddles started on Monday, we had a “free” day on Sunday.   So, what is one to do with a free day in central Florida?  Visit Tarpon Springs, of course!  Tarpon Springs is a nice little town known for its sponge industry and Greek restaurants.  Greek divers settled in the area because of the sponge industry.  As a result, there are some really good Greek restaurants.


On Monday, we paddled the Chassahowitza River.  Just after launching, we turned right up a little inlet looking for 3 Sisters spring.  We passed the spring and paddled by some really nice homes.  We found the spring on the way out.  We then headed down the river in search of the Crack.  We were looking for “the second inlet on the left.”  We headed up what appeared to be the second inlet.  At times, we weren’t so sure, but it turned out to be the right one.  Near the end, you have to beach you boat and wade up the little creek.  The “Crack” is a large spring coming out of a deep crack in the rocks.  It made for a great lunch spot.  We ended the day with dinner at The Freezer.  If you like shrimp, this is the place to go.


Tuesday saw us paddling the Rainbow River.  The Rainbow is a very clear river, fed by Rainbow Spring, which is one of Florida’s more powerful first magnitude springs.  We put in at KP Hole Park and took out at Blue Run of Dunnellon Park.  We saw lots of wildlife, in spite of the number of homes along the west side.  It was another great day of paddling.  We finished the day with dinner at Swampy’s Bar and Grill.   Yum, more good food!


When you are in central Florida, you just have to paddle the Silver River.  So, on Wednesday we headed to the Silver River. We put in at the Silver Springs State Park boat launch and paddled over to the spring.  Silver Springs is the site of an old amusement park. Several movies were filmed here (don’t ask me which movies, just trust me.)  We spent awhile looking for 3 submerged statues used in the 1962 tv series, I Spy.  We never did find them.  Maybe next time.  We paddled back toward the put in and turned down the Fort King Waterway.  The Fort King Waterway is a manmade waterway used for “jungle cruises” when the old amusement park was active.  Sometimes you see monkeys along the waterway….and it was our lucky day.  We saw a female and three babies at the site of the old fort.  A little farther down, we saw another one sitting by the bank.  We paddled down the waterway to the Silver River, and then on to our take-out at Ray’s Wayside Park.  Wildlife sightings were numerous.  It was another great paddle.


Thursday took us to the Hillsborough.  We put in at John B. Sargeant State Park and took out at Wilderness Park Trout Creek site.  The Hillsborough is not a crystal-clear river like the others.  Due to tannins in the water, it is more the color of tea.  If you want to see wildlife, especially birds and alligators, this is the place to go.  So many birds.  Roseate Spoonbills, storks, limpkins, anhingas, egrets, and herons just to name a few.  And alligators.  One around every corner.


It was another great day of paddling.


Friday saw us on the Withlacoochee.  We put in at Hog Island State Park.  We paddled around Hog Island and then about a mile upriver before returning to the put in.  Again, lots of wildlife and good fellowship while paddling with friends.

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