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Trip Ideas

Grand Chain, IL to Caruthersville,Mo
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Thanks for the tip and encouragement!
Richard Sojourner would be a great resource for this as he has done the entire river. The club has also done small sections at various times. Sounds like a great trip!

He's in the directory. If you can't get ahold of him contact me and I will see if I can connect you with him.

Chris Hugo
(901) 619-0665
When I was a kid, my dad told me that we'd canoe the whole Mississippi river some day. Well that never happened. Now my son is graduating from college Memorial Day weekend. The following weekend we want to do a tiny little section of the Mississippi from Grand Chain, Illinois to Caruthersville, Missouri.

Now people are saying it's too problematic to even do that little section. Is that true? Is it really not cool to embark on this token Mississippi canoe trip? We were planning to canoe across the Ohio on June 2 to the Grand Chain Lodge and Campground. Then paddle and spend the next night in Columbus, KY. The next night around New Madrid, Mo. Then the next night in Caruthersville.

Any advice will be appreciated. Also interested in getting other people, a guide, and/or shuttles from Memphis.

Thanks in advance,
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